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by Zilfalil Alwi & Majdah Zawawi
Publisher - 2021
Category - General Academics
A Handbook on Medical Ethics and Law in Malaysia is an essential read for medical students in particular and serves as a constant guide for medical doctors
as well as healthcare professionals in general. It will also be of interest for law students and lawyers who want to have a closer look at the relationship between medicine, ethics and law. This handbook succinctly highlights the primary expectation that all patients have towards their medical doctors. It helps
students grasp the meaning of fiduciary duty and the various ethical principles and legal principles that relate to it. The handbook also provides case studies and court decisions that will help students, medical doctors and all health professionals alike in better understanding the application of these ethical and legal principles to difficult real-life situations. This handbook is indeed a MUST HAVE for medical students and doctors as well as anyone interested in the interface between medicine, ethics and the law.