Category : Available Titles

of 277 pages

A New Coat for Zsa Zsa

by Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn Bhd

This book is suitable for children age 4 to 7. “A New Coat Zsa Zsa” is a story about a zebra that does not like the stripes on his body. He tries to change his look and gets his friends to each ma ...

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A Still, Small Voice

by Anna Tan

On her eighteenth birthday, Hono is to be crowned Queen of the City of Winter but the Dragon disrupts the coronation ceremony with a peculiar cry: Listen. Listen. Listen! There is one more task to fre ...

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Abang Sayang Adik Manis

by Ailah Diela

“Qaseh. You know what. The truth is you don’t need a boyfriend to be happy. But you need me. Your future husband. Trust me!” – Meor Bercinta dengan orang lain. Tapi berkahwin d ...

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by Dr. Andrew C S Koh

You can self publish:   Self publishing can be very daunting and complicated for the beginner who has no prior experience. This book is a beginner’s guide to self publishing. It will take ...

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Abdul Rahman bin Auf

by Al Ghazali

Kisah hidup Abdul Rahman bin Auf sejak beliau dari kecil sehingga wafat. Kisah bagaimana beliau memeluk Islam, bagaimana dia mula-mula sampai ke Madinah dan banyak lagi kisah menarik.

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ABIM dan PAS dalam Gerakan Dakwah Islam di Malaysia

by Badlihisham Mohd Nasir

Kebangkitan dakwah dan gerakan Islam yang begitu simbiotik di Malaysia lazimnya merujuk kepada perkembangan ABIM dan PAS yang muncul sebagai gerakan dakwah atau Islam yang ulung. Buku ABIM dan PAS dal ...

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by Anna Tan

If cursed is the hand that kills, then it wouldn’t matter if that same hand stole, would it?  Tulen feels doubly cursed, forced to serve the bratty princess of Impian as punishment for her ...

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Abu Bakar: Sahabat Sejati

by Abdul Latip Talib

Abu Bakar as-Siddiq, sahabat sejati Nabi Muhammad yang dilantik menjadi khalifah Islam pertama selepas beliau wafat pada tahun 632 H. Jasa khalifah Abu Bakar as-Siddiq yang paling besar adalah mengum ...

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Abu Ubaidah: Penakluk Parsi

by Abdul Latip Talib

Nama sebenarnya Amir bin Abdullah bin al-Jarrah bin Hilal Al Fihri Al Quraisy. Terkenal dengan nama Abu Ubaidah al-Jarrah. Beliau lahir di Mekah daripada sebuah keluarga Quraisy yang terhormat. Termas ...

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Abu Zhar Al Ghifari

by Al Ghazali

Abu Zhar Al Ghifari adalah antara sahabat yang terawal menyahut seruan Nabi Muhammad SAW. Beliau dikenali dengan pengetahuan yang tinggi, dan pegangan nilainya yang tidak boleh ditawar ganti.

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