Category : Children

of 27 pages

Hu Li He Guan Niao

by Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn Bhd

《狐狸与鹳鸟》讲述狐狸为了捉弄鹳鸟,用盘子装汤请鹳鸟喝。鹳鸟为了给狐狸一个教训,就用细长的瓶子装汤请狐狸喝汤。狐狸才明白不应该捉弄别 ...

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Hu li Yu Shi Zi

by Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn Bhd

《狐狸与狮子》讲述森里里有一只骄傲自大的狮子,动物们都很怕它。于是狐狸想了一个办法,把狮子骗到了井边,说里头住着一头狮子。自大的狮子 ...

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Hui Xia Jin Dan De E

by Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn Bhd

《会下金蛋的鹅》说的是一位贫穷的农人,因为发现了一只会下金蛋的鹅而变得富有的故事。但他后来由于贪心,把下金蛋的鹅给杀了,结果又回到从 ...

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Ikan Emas Mangsa Banjir

by Khadijah Hashim

Pada suatu malam, hujan turun dengan lebat. Air hujan mula melimpah ke dalam kawasan rumah. Tuan rumah dan keluarganya bertungkus-lumus memindahkan barang-barang mereka ke tempat yang lebih tinggi. ...

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Incredible Animals | Betsy the Bat

by Y.Y. Tan & .D. Gabb

Betsy the Bat is afraid of the dark. Her parents try to invite her to come outside with them, but she never wants to leave the house because of the dark. One day, Grandpa Bat visits her to tel ...

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Incredible Animals | Elliot the Elephant

by Y.Y. Tan & .D. Gabb

Elliot the Elephant has a short trunk. The other elephants don't want to be friends with him because he is different. This makes Elliot feel sad, but the other animals want to be his friends, so he ...

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Incredible Animals | Gavin the Giraffe

by Y.Y. Tan & .D. Gabb

Gavin the Giraffe isn’t very tall for his age. In fact, Gavin is known as the only giraffe in the forest who can’t grow! One day, Barry the Bird tells Gavin that his mum is very sick, a ...

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Incredible Animals | Sheldon the Squirrel

by Y.Y. Tan & .D. Gabb

Sheldon the Squirrel always forgets where he buries his nuts! One day, Sheldon can't find even one of his acorns or groundnuts. He's very hungry but no one will share with him. Later, he notic ...

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