Category : Mandarin

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Liang Zhi Yu Chun De Shan Yang

by Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn Bhd

《两只愚蠢的山羊》说的是白山羊和黑山羊在一条破旧的木桥上互不相让的故事。他们在狭窄的木桥上互相推撞,最后木桥断了,两只山羊也这样被淹 ...

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Lie Ren Yu Hei Xiong

by Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn Bhd

《猎人与黑熊》说的是两位猎人到森林里打猎时,遇上大黑熊的故事。大个子猎人在遇上危险时,将小个子猎人抛下,自己躲到树上去,不合力面对困 ...

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Ma Yi He Zha Meng

by Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn Bhd

《蚂蚁和蚱蜢》讲述夏天时,蚱蜢不勤奋地储备食物,每天只会唱歌跳舞,还取笑蚂蚁不懂得玩乐享受。结果雨季来临,蚱蜢找不到食物,反而需要找 ...

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Qing Dao Fu

by Teoh Huat

This book is written in Chinese Language. It is a collection of 12 educational radio dramas. The contents are based on children's daily life and experiences. Children will learn the noble values, ??co ...

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Shen Mi De Guai Shou

by Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn Bhd

《神秘的怪兽》说的是森林里的动物们发现了一个神秘怪物的故事。那只怪物有一栋房子那么大,有六只脚、三只眼睛、四方形的头和一张大嘴巴。动 ...

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Shi Zi Yu Nv Li

by Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn Bhd

《狮子与奴隶》说的是一位勤快的奴隶为了逃避坏心肠的主人,结果在山洞里帮助了一只受伤的狮子。奴隶过后被主人抓回去,主人要把他拿去喂狮子 ...

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Tai Yang Gong Gong Ai Hua Hua

by Teoh Huat

This book is written in Chinese Language. It is a collection of children poems and songs filled with emotion, harmonious rhythm and fun, suitable for children to read and recite.

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Xiao Lu Yu Wu Ya

by Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn Bhd


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